¡Join us! Together we will change the world

  "We are not the only ones on the planet"

Consumerism is the purchase or accumulation of goods and services considered non-essential. Large-scale consumerism in contemporary society compromises natural resources and a sustainable economy. Consumism is becoming more and more marked within the life of each of us, some fall and others do not, that is why we decide to create this campaign, so that each of us can make awareness, reflect and analyze about the purchases they make, whether it really is necessary what I buy or not, and if the purchase is already made, make the most of the waste that is causing. That is why consumerism has become a problem, and more has been seen in this quarantine, so we decided to set up a campaign, which is called.

"Stop excessive consumerism"

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You know the damage that causes with your excessive purchases, we say to call it by this way because it creates an impact when it's reading.

Our goal is promote and encourage sustainable consumption and production, and a healthy life, all from home. Our purpose is to reduce excessive consumption by raising awareness of the waste of materials that can be recycled or reused and thus avoid buying more of these. Furthermore, we are mainly targeting young people who are unclear about their needs, and that's why they waste their money doing unnecessary shopping.

Some causes of the problem are:

  • The direct discharge of pollutants into water.
  • The amount of products that we bought in a very short period of time.
  • Excessive use of large amounts of water.
  • Buying products that are not necessary.
  • Buy from big chain stores for the popularity.

Some fun facts of the environmental problem are:

  • In America, more money is spent on fashion accessories than college tuition.
  • Plastic kills 1 million seabirds every single year.
  • Homes in the U.S. contain more TVs than they do people.
  • Nearly half of the world’s toys are in America.
  • Wealthy nations waste almost as much food as is produced in all of sub-Saharan Africa.

Some consequences of the problem are:

  • If people don’t take care about the things that they bought, the environment might suffer from degradation of biodiversity.
  • If we do not stop consuming in big quantities, the marine population could be reduced. 
  • If companies continue to mass produce, the ozone layer could disappear.
  • If the emission of greenhouse gases increases, we could suffer from different aliments in the future.
  • If we keep throwing everything away, city streets might be littered with trash in 30 years.

We recommend the following activities people must or have to do to raise awareness or stop the problem:

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  • We have to think carefully before buy something.
  • We must donate the things that we don’t use.
  • We have to protect the animals.
  • We have to reuse.
  • We must learn about how to recycle the things that we don’t use in our houses.
  • We must make only necessary purchases.
  • We must join campaigns to protect the environment.
  • We must save money and not waste it.
  • We have to start caring about the environment.
  • We must plant trees.

By showing all of this, we invite you to become aware of this problem that has a great impact on the environment and join our campaign, join and tell "Stop to excessive consumption".

"Time is running out, the time for change is now for an improvement in the quality of life, don't think twice, it's time to act."
